Our Mission - To assess and assist Americans affected with autism by actively administering Applied Behavior Analysis therapy.

Autism of America provides ABA services in the following areas of Michigan:
Montcalm County
Center #1
100 E Main St. Suite A; Stanton MI
Center #2
100 E Main St. Suite D; Stanton MI
Center #3
5785 S. Greenville Road; Greenville MI
Saginaw County
Center #1
1556 Liberty Road; Saginaw MI
Kent County
Center #1
424 Plymouth Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508
Center #2
3600 Camelot Drive SE Suite 1; Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Alcona County, MI
Alpena County, MI
Barry County, MI
Branch County, MI
Clare County, MI
Gladwin County, MI
Isabella County, MI
Kent County, MI
Lenawee County, MI
Macomb County, MI
Mecosta County, MI
Midland County, MI
Montcalm County, MI
Montmorency County, MI
Osceola County, MI
Ottawa County, MI
Presque Isle County, MI
Saginaw County, MI
Shiawassee County, MI
St. Joseph County, MI
Tuscola County, MI
Autism of America provides ABA services in the following settings:
Home-based services
Center-based services
Community-based services

About Autism
What is autism?
Autism is a condition under autism spectrum disorder diagnosis and is often used as a shortened term for ASD. Autism is a life-long neurological disability that is characterized by significant social-communication and behavioral deficits. The severity of this disorder can vary greatly from one individual to another. The term "spectrum" refers to this range of social-communication and behavioral deficits.
What are the signs?
Each individual with autism has a unique set of characteristics but most will have difficulty socializing with others, communicating verbally or non-verbally, and behaving appropriately in a variety of settings. Left untreated, an individual with autism may not develop effective and/or appropriate social skills. If a child or adult is not making friends, sustaining a conversation, able to play in an imaginative way, inflexible with routines and/or overly preoccupied with certain objects, it is important to learn the cause of these behaviors and obtain supports and services to help.
Facts about Autism Spectrum Disorder:
1 in 59 children in the United States have autism.
Boys are about 4 times more times likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.
Autism occurs in all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups.
Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.
63% of parents reported their child with autism had been bullied.
At least 25% of individuals with autism are non-verbal.
Autism is a lifelong disability.

How to Identify Autism
Impaired Social Communication:
Child does not:
Respond to his/her name or appears deaf
Share interests
Make eye contact
Have warm/joyful expression
Search for objects that are hidden
Point at something of interest
Interacts with peers and/or family member
Impaired Communication Skills:
Child does not:
Babble or coo by 12 months
Use gestures or any words by 12 months
Use single words by 16 months
Use 2-word phrases by 24 months
Use typical speech (normal rhythm, pitch, volume)
Repetitive or Restricted Behaviors:
Focused on objects or parts of objects, such as spinning wheels of a car, fan spinning, pushing buttons
Repetitive body movements, such as hand flapping, spinning, toe walking, rocking, teeth grinding, slapping self
Resists change in routine
Other Behaviors or Concerns:
Over or under sensitive to lights, smells, touch, noise, tastes
Extreme meltdowns or tantrums
Sleeping difficulties