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BT Monthly Newsletter - SEPTEMBER 2024



Welcome! This is the Autism of America Behavior Technician monthly newsletter. We are providing this resource so that we can more easily share important information and company announcements with everyone.


  • You can view the company calendar to find important information, closing dates, and to schedule any meetings (when needed). Find the calendar here.

  • To access the calendar (and any other password-protected pages on the AOA website), use password: AOA2403!

    • This password may change at times for security purposes. You will be informed when this occurs.

  • Reviewing the newsletters is a mandatory part of your position.

BT Mentorship Program

  • The BT Mentorship Program has been moving along well. This program is serving as a great opportunity for helping both mentors and mentees advance their ABA skills. The program is a great way for us all to work together to provide high quality services to our clients, as well.

  • We want to say thank you to the mentors who are working diligently at providing mentorship to their mentees. We also want to say how much we appreciate all of our BTs for the exceptional work they are doing to help the kiddos that we are supporting at AOA. This field can be challenging at times, but know that you are making a positive difference.

  • You can reach out to Heather Gilmore with any questions (


This area of the newsletter will address things related to your position as a Behavior Technician. We will give reminders that you may already be familiar with just as a refresher or for the purposes of informing those who may not be aware of the information. We might also share new information related to your role as a BT.

Reminder(s) of the Month

  • Behave with professionalism

    • Be sure to speak and act in a way that demonstrates professionalism while you are at work. This includes things like starting and ending sessions on time, dressing appropriately, and only discussing topics that are appropriate for children to hear when near AOA clients. And, just a reminder, although some small talk with coworkers is okay, your focus should be on your client when you are providing services.


This area of the newsletter will briefly review one ABA concept, strategy, or tip as a way to help you improve your ABA skills which will ultimately help us give the best quality services to our clients. We continue to strive for excellence in our services and want to support your growth in the field, as well.

Featured ABA Concept of the Month : Catalyst Data Collection Tip

Many of you have already been using Catalyst for quite some time, but this month's concept is going to be focused on data collection, specifically using Catalyst.

  • AOA most often uses the default prompt codes in Catalyst. These include:

    • I - Independent

      • Child did not require any prompting to successfully complete the task

    • VP - Vocal Prompt

      • BT emitted a statement, question, word, sound, or some sort of vocalization to help the child demonstrate the target skill

    • PO - Positional Prompt

      • BT systematically placed the material associated with the target skill in a specific location to help the child make the correct response

    • PY - Physical Prompt

      • BT used a physical motion (typically with their own hands) to help the child demonstrate the target skill, such as placing the child's hand on the target response (i.e., the correct flashcard)

    • GY - Gestural Prompt

      • BT made a gesture, such as pointing, to help the child demonstrate the target skill

    • D - Demonstration

      • BT modeled how to complete the target skill/BT showed child how to do the task

  • As a reminder, be sure you have Catalyst open and available to access at all times during session. You should be taking data in the moment

IMPORTANT DATES (Events, Closings, Etc.)


    • Monday, September 2nd, 2024 - Labor Day


    • QBS Training (Grand Rapids location)

      • September 19th and 20th 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

    • Themed Client Activity: To celebrate the first day of fall (September 22)

      • Week of September 23-27

        • To celebrate fall, AOA would like all of our centers (and home-based staff if you're able) to help our kiddos complete a craft representing the season.

        • This is a way to connect all of our BTs and kiddos and bring a greater sense of community to our team despite being in many different locations. Additionally, this activity gives our clients something new and exciting to experience which can incorporate mastered skills, current goals, or new skills as well as develop social and communication skills no matter the learner's needs or abilities. Feel free to contact your Center Coordinator or the BCBA overseeing your case for more guidance.

        • The craft we will complete is an Apple Stamping Craft which supports a variety of skills such as fine motor skills and receptive language skills. You can also incorporate pattern and/or color recognition.

          • AOA will provide craft supplies if needed.

          • Materials needed: apples, washable paint, googly eyes, glue, black marker, brown marker, paper

          • Instructions: The BT should cut the apple in half. Provide the child an apple (one for each color used), paint to dip the apple in and instruct the child to use the apple as a stamp. Depending on the child, you may consider starting a pattern (i.e., green, red, yellow, green...) and having the child complete the pattern OR just let them be creative and stamp the page however they would like to. Then, have them add googly eyes, a mouth, and a stem to the apples.


We would like to share the AOA core values with you. We strive to incorporate these values into everything we do. We hope you will embrace these values and demonstrate them throughout your work, as well.


  • Excellence

  • Compassion

  • Respect

  • Diversity

  • Positivity


Thank you for all you do for your clients and for AOA. We appreciate you!

If you have any questions about this content, feel free to contact the Training & Development Director, Heather Gilmore, at You are also welcome to contact your BCBA, center coordinator, or HR staff.

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